Friday 30 October 2009


When you watch any crime genre or gangster related film, they always contain certain styles and codes which we would associated the genre itself. For example we would expect the gansgter to use slang i.e 'Cockney Rhyming slang'. This means that we are constantly reminded of the character's background,style and education. If they speak colloquial english for the majority of the film or scene, then we are told that they are from a lower background and that they perhaps are not as educated or priviledged as perhaps a well spoken, smartly dressed character.

A convention of the genre would be black suits,designer usually. They would also be a smoker,a drinker of alcohol and a user of drugs, or be incredibly anti drugs to represent a bad experience,usually personal to them. The way they talk about vices i.e drugs,alcohol is usually a indication of their attitude. If they find them to be a part of their lives then it a reminder that they are laid back and open to a world of crime.

Womanising is also very common in the gangster underworld.They treat women as objects for their own desire and personal use. This usually involves prostitition and whores. They are used as drugs and sex mules. They will also treat their wives disrespectfully, abusing them emotionally and physically.

They will also be secluded from the world, being very reserved. They have no friends due to trust issues and treat any threat with brutaliaty and ruthlessness.

Harry Mountier

Thursday 22 October 2009

Film Title.

The title of a film is very important when it comes to attracting an audience an giving the film meaning. A good film title will give the audience an idea of what the film is going to be about and should also hint slightly at a plot line.
Film titles such as "dawn of the dead" give a clear message as what this film may be about, that 'the living dead are starting to walk among us' or whatever people would call it. It gets straight to the point and prevents the audience guessing what the film may be about. It gives no hint of a deeper message and in my opinion tells viewers that this film won't be very articulate and meaningful.
However, there are some film titles, 'Layer Cake' for example, that seem to have nothing to do with the plot of the film. Layer Cake is a film that is based around how drug dealers and criminals work, the title seems to give no hint as to what this film is about. It isn't about a cake with many layers as some audience members might think at first glance. This is why we must look at deeper meanings. The title of the film doesn't give a direct outline to what the film is about, but highlights the industries that are involved in the film. Looking at the drug trade, we learn that it is made up in many layers, of hands on men, to the top guys in suits getting the big money. This hierarchy can rather resemble a cake that has different layers. This is where the creators got their name.
Depending on the title of our film, we will either be giving the audience a clear view of what our film will entail (and therefore possibly giving the impression that the film itself may not be very meaningful or proffesional) or we will be giving them a clever, thought out title that gives the film an element of professionalism.

James Banister

Analysis of Promotional Websites


As I have been given the task of creating a promotional website for our film, I thought it would be a good idea to start analysing some websites of recent films.

The website I will be looking at is for the recent gangster movie 'Rock'n'Rolla' . Screenshots of the website can be seen below.

The first thing I took note off was the dark and dingy colour scheme. Lots of browns, blacks and dark colours in general are used. This emphasises the dark, urban and gritty nature of the plotline and setting of gangster films in general, not just Rock'n'Rolla specifically. As our film is within this area and theme, it would be a good idea to implement such a colour scheme into the website that I will be designing.

The cast that feature in the film surround the title. This helps emphasise and bring attention to the title, also, the fact that the actor directly behind the title is wearing a black suit contrasts well with lighter colours associated with the the title and helps bring attention towards it. Maybe I could look at contrasting colours within my website when I need to bring attention to certain areas, specifically the film title.

The names of the cast are displayed throughout the top in a small clear font. They do not take away anything from the theme of the website, nor do they take focus from the more important aspects of the site. It does however add a sense of professionalism and it would be a good idea to do this with our website to make it seem as close to the real thing as possible.

Finally, in terms of the visual department, the DVD is displayed in the bottom right corner with a glowing outline. This is purely (quite obviously) for the promotion of the DVD and Blu Ray release of the movie. The white glow helps attract attention to it.

Moving onto the interactivity side of things you have your usual selection off buttons that when clicked take you to other pages. Upon moving your mouse over them, unlike other sites they do not indicate that they are highlighted by altering the look of the button. I will however implement a highlighting feature into the buttons.

As for the aesthetics of the pages the general gritty theme with dull colours persists. But with the addition of iconic london buildings and skyline silhouettes. This fills the what would be empty space nicely, and keeps to the theme of the movie. I like this look and would like to implement a similar theme and style into my website.
The Departed

- Will Leighton

Monday 19 October 2009

Analysing Film Posters

For our project we also need to do a film poster. As i have in my last post looked at the film trailer for 'American Gangster' I will then anaylse this film poster.

This film poster connotates two men, for which star in the movie. Apart from the image of these two men, we see the text, including the title and the other details of actors, producers etc...

Going back to the image, behind the text of the two men which is edited into a black and white photo effect. I think that this shows the respresentation of each of these characters. The man standing in front of the other man, shows he could have a higher status to the other. Who in a whiter shadowed effect could present a lower status. As we can see as well the man in the foreground is also holding a gun, presenting a character that we can think he will start trouble, be in a gang, a gangster character compared to the man behind him, he wears a police badge, showing he is trusted character, saving crime, from the man who is holding gun.

The colour of a black and white effect, could show the representation of each character of good and evil. The man standing more within the foreground, in the more black edit show a more evil, bad and dangerous character. Whereas the man standing behind him, in a more white edit, show the good character.

Looking at this poster i feel that the audience that would be attracted to this would be highly towards boys, teenage boys and up. The two character, played by two world classed actors also could bring more of an audience into this film of different gender and ages. The Object of a gun also could convey this type of audience as the gender of boys can represent that this film can involve, voilence, crime and gangs.


Friday 16 October 2009

Scarface Poster Analysis

The Brian de Palma film,Scarface,was made famous by its iconic poster, which has become a must have accessory for any teenage boy wishing to spice up their bedroom. This iconic film poster has not aged with time and still holds codes and conventions of modern day film posters.

The most stand out feature of the poster is the black and white/negative effect. It stands out to the audience and is an unusual tool for drawing attention, yet it still works. The negative effect is also used on the actor in the poster, reversing the colours of his suit and making him stand out from the rest of the poster.

It also uses the 80's colour scheme for interior fashion, Red,Black and Chrome. This adds to its class,making it trendy and interpretable to the feel of the era. This has made it so iconic and popular due to its symbol as a trend setter. We will have to find a symbol of our era to perhaps include in our poster.

It has a brief subtext to try and explain the film before you see it, giving the audience a taster before the film is released to encourage a large audience. It informs to the minimum to make people want to know to the maximum. The credits are large to give of the prestige of the production, showing those involved in the filming. We will add the credits to subtly, not to defer people from the lack of repute.


Harry Mountier and James Banister

Analysing Layer Cake poster.

Promotional devices such as trailers, posters and websites are crucial to a new films success and popularity. If the films trailer/poster/website does not capture the audiences attention from the off, they could risk losing crucial ticket and film sales and therefore losing potential interest and popularity. This also applies a films poster, if a poster doesnt interest the reader enough at a first glance they won't look back and analyse it further and they won't become interested in the film.
Having already looked at why film trailers are crucial in previous blogs, we now need to look at and break down the properties of a good film poster.
I have decided to analyse this Layer cake film poster, and break down exactly what makes it work and why is made the film iconic and popular.
Straight away we notice that the name of the film 'Layer Cake' is written in the form of a private number plate with the letter 'A' being replaced with a '4' (a common occurance for private number plates). Straight away this highlights the nitty gritty, working class nature of the film and its characters. Our eyes are then drawn to the big yellow range rover. This is a very bold, bright image and sticks in the mind even with one glance. The use of this image throughout all of the Layer Cake posters and trailers has made it an iconic part of the movie and has helped increase the films ticket sales and popularity. The use of the yellow and black colours througout the poster also make our minds relate the rest of the poster back to the cars colour scheme. This is a very powerful advertising tool and is used alot in film posters and promotional materials as it allows the audience to relate one prop/object or character to the film. We then notice the Iron on the bonet of the car. This stands out as it is not an object you would neccersarily associate with a car or gangster/drug film. This prop is also iconic as it is used in one of the scenes of the film as a torture weapon and stands out to audience members and film fans.
When making our film poster, we need to find a suitable advertising technique to try and capture our audience. To do this, we are also planning to use the idea of taking an iconic image/character/prop from the film and use it in the poster so audience memebers relate it to our film. This we give an element of realism to our film and poster and hopefully be an aid to attract audience members.

James Banister

Thursday 15 October 2009

Teaser Trailer. Props, costume, make-up,setting

When looking at the props etc that we will be using in our film, we need to know what typical gangster films use and why. We can look at what works for other films of the same genre and make our own twist.
The first main prop that is common in the majority of all gangster films, is most commonly a case of drugs or packet of drugs. They highlight the illegal nature of a gangsters business and personality and if used in certain ways, can potentially become very iconic for that specific film. Secondly, most of the typical gangster films tend to have firearms (guns) to further show the illegal nature of their business and personality but also to highlight the ruthlessness of the characters. If a man is prepared to fire a gun at someone, then they are prepared to kill and this sends a message to the audience and gives the character power. Gangsters in films also tend to have alot of high class gadgets/gizmos such as a flash mobile phone, bold jewlery, expensive lighter, rings etc. This shows that they tend to 'flash the cash' and further highlights their shallow personality. Classic gangsters also tend to smoke, alot of the time this will be big high quality cigars. This is to portray an element of class and power. Gangsters in film also tend to have a flash car that will also further show a shallow personality, wealth and class.
Looking at costume, i often found that alot of the higher power modern gangsters and the old traditional gangsters, would be wearing suits and dressed smartly as if they are legitimate bussiness men. However some of the modern gangsters dress in tracksuits or jeans just like an everyday citizen, their costume doesnt neccersarily set them apart or make them stand out as a 'gangster'. For our trailer, We will use modern day 'gangster' attire, which is mainly consisting of black and grey shades. Brands are paramount as they are symbolic of the gangster's wealth and their attitude. If they wear a ralph lauren jacket with smart jeans and clean black shoes, it is reflective of their smart, clean nature. If they decide to wear an old tracksuit with gold chains it is usually to describe them as poor and not as concerned about their appearance.
Gangster films are usually set in urban areas, where crime is rife. The houses or buildings are often run down and clearly have been left behind, thus enticing crime sprees and large illegal activities. East end as previously mentioned is a urban crime is incredibly high and gangsters rule the streets.Replicating this image will involve extras wearing the attire and following a certain walk and attitude.

James Banister and Harry Mountier

Analysis of Trailer 'American Gangster'

The beginning of this trailer starts with a few establishing shots, of a urban city, which is Manhattan, America. Establishing Shots help to set the scene of the film, indicating where the film is set, and also to get the feel of the setting of the film. After we have the establishing shots of the view of buldings, showing the city of manhattan it goes to a closer establishing shot on the streets of manhattan city. As the first view of character come envolved to the trailer this portrays 5 men walking towards the camera, walking the street, looking as thought they own the streets of manhattan. These different established shots portray the film is being based in this urban city.

We can see straight away, the character, played by Denzel Washington, is the main character as seen in a conversation, his voice appears, starting to tell the viewers of the brief of what this film is some what about. He then shown in middle of these 4 men, leading the way shows a higher status to them as he wears a Smart, Rich looking suit compared to the other men, wearing casual t- shirts, hats and trousers. From the costume they are wearing we can tell the difference between the main character who will be playin a lead role, who will have that power within the film. Helping our viewers to get sense of who our film is going to be set on, about.

Another main character is then brought into the trailer, play by Russell Crowe. From the dialogue we can convey the different types of characters. As Denzel portrays a high status, as if he is running the streets of manhattan, and then with Russell Crowe's character who is brought in with a variety of cut shots, getting together a theory of what is going down in the film.

He uses sharp short words with as well quick cut shots to get different sides of the movie, from his point of view and the character played by denzel. Cutting in from both characters, contradicting with each other portrays the good and bad character.
These cut shots also show different objects that portray the genre, 'Gangster, Crime'. These include Money, Cars, Guns, Voilence . All for which we can think about using in our trailer to give that straight away clue of how we are portraying our film and to give it that true Gangster, Crime feel.


Analysing Layer Cake.

Looking at the opening monologue and first scene of layer cake, iconic images and refferences have already been used. The film starts as a sort of time walk, of how drug deals and drug dealers started out and how the attitudes and power of gangsters has changed throughout the years. It shows the tradioional drug "stick up" with a classic 'sawn off shot gun' shoot out scene where the men are wearing balaclavas and are jumping out the back of a van. These are the tradiotional things that people associate with a drug deal gone wrong and is a very stereotypical scene for a gangster/crime film. It also takes us through the 'Hippy' generation of drug users and how the attitudes went from power and money, to peace and harmony (however, this was only short lived). This part of the time walk also uses stereotypical costume and make up, the hippies in the scene have long hair and wear lose fitting baggy clothing and the characters are shown as relaxed and spaced out. The use of these 2 iconic era's gives us a complete contrast of the drug underworld and how it has progressed through time. The use of iconic 'happy/hippy' drug users, highloghts the 'good'effects of drugs and how the drug business at that time was a 'happier' place. The contrasting gang 'shoot 'em ups' of modern day then highlight the bad side of drugs and the drug trade and show. These 2 contrasting times show how drugs have gone from small time recreational use, to big business. Drugs have now become a way of gaining power, security and money but in a glamourous and tax free way.
The film then progresses to show Daniel Craig walking into a shop and on the shelves are drugs with brand names, as Daniel Craigs monologue reaches its end, the drugs on the shelves change into normal products. These iconic items have been used to promote the film, they have been used in film trailers, posters, leaflets and on film websites etc.
The shop scene then cuts to Daniel Craig at home with the drugs showing how he doubles the amount by adding to them and the whole time, the voice over is telling us what is happening and why it is happening. It shows the gangsters sitting roung a table dealing with their money. The characters are dressed in typical gangster fashion, they are all wearing suits and some are smoking cigars. These are all iconic props and costumes that are asociated with gangsters.
The use of the iconic images from the film for advertising, is also something we could look at. For our promotion materials, we need to find and iconic object from our film and include it in our posters, website, logo etc to give the audience a little teaser/taster of the film whenever they see an advert or poster etc.

James Banister

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Ideas on Costume and Makeup.

Having looked at trailers from the gangster/crime genre, we notice considerable simmilaritites in costume and make-up.
Firstly looking at male costume, we notice a simmilar trend of smart, well presented and neat. Gangsters tend to be wearing high quality suits, often designer. This is to highlight their personalities that they "business men" and do legitimate work.

Also Breifly as a group looking over youtube at the variety of gangster movies as from the most popular to least to the old to the new. There are different types of costumes. From the Gangster movie, Good Fellas. In this movie we've got the costumes of the High class, Suits and looking smart, maybe this is because that it is one of the old gangster films? But we also as a group looked at a new gangster trailer, called The Firm. As a group we felt that being a more modern film that it has modernized for their costumes were based in the late 80s 90s english tracksuits.Portraying a time in england when riots of gangs were popular rioting across the london streets.

Looking at the different Types of Film for the Genre GANGSTER, as a group will need to consider what type of costume and makeup we want for our own trailer when it comes down to filming. Do we want it to be a Classic type film or a more modern approach to costume and makeup. This is one point that we need to elaborate on throughout our project as also costume and makeup could also be a key icon to our overall film production.

-Karis Hammond

Monday 12 October 2009

Teaser Idea

Having worked out the genre of our film and a basic story line, we have now started to think about more technical and physical aspects of the trailer. The basic plot line of our story is a drug deal gone wrong and being stumbled upon by our main character.

The inspiration which resulted in the idea below, literally came from no where. I (Will) was simply sitting at home when a TV advertisement had a backing track of some form of classical music and my mind got going about the thought of our gangster film. Although that in it self is something to think about and look into; how my mind automatically associated classical music with gangster movies (in particular high piano keys and violins).

Me and James discussed the idea in school and we expanded on it further. What we came up with so far for the trailer is a birds eye view shot that is tracking past floor which passes props such as a case of drugs, a gun, a dead body, blood, clothes, money etc. to not only symbolise the stereotypical gangster/crime genre, but to make it immediately clear to the viewer what is the movie's theme. Whilst this shot is tracking, it will cut to other clips from the film such as a chase scene, sex scene, shooting scene, emotional scene etc. The tracking shot then pans up as it approaches to face a figure seated in a dimly lit room grasping a gun and smoking a cigar.

It fades to black where the trailer will then end with the title of the movie fading in (name undecided at the moment) with a date in a smaller font fading in below the title.

We plan to do our first piece of filming sometime this week.

Will Leighton and James Banister

Analysis and Codes & Conventions of the Gangster Genre

Setting and Era

The gangster genre is a sub genre of the crime genre and the most popular era gangster movies revolve around has been the 1930's (American movies in particular such as The Godfather and Goodfellas ). This is because throughout this period America was going through the great 'Depression' where everyone was doing there utmost to gain money, wealth and power. This era not only provides an interesting and accurate representation of that time, it also brings the audience down to their perspective as we often come to like the characters. We know they are bad, but because we enjoy there personalities and have become accustomed to seeing them on screen so much, we connect with the characters and want to see them succeed.

However, if you take a look at England based gangster/crime movies, a vast majority are based in London in a modern era (examples include Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, RocknRolla etc...). This is because we do not have that kind of history and struggle to benefit from to feed the storyline. London was no where near as exciting and interesting in terms of crime and gangsters back in the 1930's when compared to America. By basing the movie in a modern era, without a doubt it will appeal to the current generation who enjoy the genre. Why? Because they themselves are living in the times that the movie is taking place. Movie's for many are a form of escapism, and what better way to see these story's unfolding in familiar places and time.

Saying they are based in 'London' or 'America' is a bit vague so I will expand on this. Movies within the genre will often be based in large crowded cities. This is to highlight the unknown and secretive underworld of gangsters and criminals: bars and clubs that light the streets with neon signs, expensive sport cars, drugs, sleazy bars, prostitution, hangouts etc... all add to the genre. If a crime/gangster film is based in a more 'exotic' location (warmer foreign locations) it often brings the feeling of wealth and adventure with it. An example of this would be 'The Business' starring Danny Dyer who becomes drawn into organised crime and gangs after he travels to Malaga from being on the run in London.


The stories within this genre often highlight the life of a crime figure (fictional or non fictional) or at times victims. Or they tend to glorify the the rise and fall of a particular criminal, particular group/gang, bank robbers, murderers and more. Its not unusual to find real life crimes, gangsters or headlines used as inspiration or even recreated on the big screen. The gangster or some form of main character will usually die emphasising that crime does not pay, especially to an audience that has come to like characters which are essentially villains.

An alternative plot line that is also used is when a group or person not associated with gangsters becomes drawn into a development or problem be it through accidental means or through consequences. An example of this would be Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels where four Londoner's who at the most are small time scam artists, find themselves heavily in dept with east end gangsters, and result to humorous attempts at theft.

Diegetic and Non-Diegetic Sound

Diegetic sound is sound which source is visible on the screen or is implied to be present by the action of the film such as a character talking.

Non diegetic sound is sound which source is not visible on screen nor has been implied to be present in the action such as a music track played over an action scene.

Diegetic sound within the gangster genre is pretty self explanatory as it is with any film out to date. Characters talking, environmental sounds, sounds made by props etc... The non diegetic sound is what differs greatly in films, in particular the music.

Classical music is often associated with american gangter films, more so in those that are based in an older era. If you had to associate a genre of film with classical music, many (as I) would no doubt choose the gangster genre. I have two opinions as to why this might be. The first being perhaps the huge success of films such as The Godfather (which featured a lot of classical music) resulted in people automatically associating it with gangster films. Second would be how well it suits the theme. The quiet, relaxing and sometimes epic pieces created contrast greatly with what is happening within the ganster genre. But it successfully makes an impact to what is happening on screen and can emphasise many emotions and actions such as sadness, death, murder and more.

However, if we take a look at modern day London gangster films you will not here much if any classical music at all. After viewing films such as Rock'n'Rolla, Lock Stock and Snatch it is evident that this side of the genre tends to focus on rock/punk. More than often the music will be from a London based band. This is probably to emphasise and amplify the nature of the criminals/gangsters within London, how they rebel and dont take kindly to authority much like the rock/punk genre did.


As the teaser trailer will be based in modern day London, I decided to look at the trailer for 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' to get a better idea of what costume is used.

After viewing the trailer, it is evident that there are various groups involved with the plot line, and that each one has a different style of costume (some only slightly different however).

First we have a group of friends that are portrayed as small time criminals involved with the likes of scamming. This group are shown wearing suits, possibly conveying how the group are trying to show class or that they have money, or even the director even putting across that they are 'wannabe' gangsters?

Next we are introduced to who is obviously the main gangster within the area. This is made evident by the indefinite change of style from the previous group. He is wearing a smart, buttoned shirt and tie with smart trousers and braces. This conveys a sense of authority and professionalism, the fact that no other character is dressed like this further emphasises these messages.

Moving on we are introduced to what seems to be the gangsters henchmen. We are given this impression due to them wearing not just suits but long brown coats. The long brown coats are a typical item of clothing that appear often in gangster/crime films.

Will Leighton

Thursday 8 October 2009


For our Filming, We will be using a tripod to give it the effect of a professionally made film, rather than a student made project. We will use dark lighting to give it a grimey feel to the trailer.

We plan to film in Epping Forest, the perfect location and the prime location for crime scenes in Soap operas i.e Eastenders, Coronation Street etc. This location is very versatile when it comes to filming any genre of film, from comedy to gangster crime. It is the perfect setting for our film as drug deals/crime do take place in forests.
We also plan to film partly in my house. We will use the house setting for one constant shot that will be playing throughout the whole of the teaser trailer.
We plan to start our first piece of filming in epping forest in October half term.
James Banister.