Thursday 22 October 2009

Analysis of Promotional Websites


As I have been given the task of creating a promotional website for our film, I thought it would be a good idea to start analysing some websites of recent films.

The website I will be looking at is for the recent gangster movie 'Rock'n'Rolla' . Screenshots of the website can be seen below.

The first thing I took note off was the dark and dingy colour scheme. Lots of browns, blacks and dark colours in general are used. This emphasises the dark, urban and gritty nature of the plotline and setting of gangster films in general, not just Rock'n'Rolla specifically. As our film is within this area and theme, it would be a good idea to implement such a colour scheme into the website that I will be designing.

The cast that feature in the film surround the title. This helps emphasise and bring attention to the title, also, the fact that the actor directly behind the title is wearing a black suit contrasts well with lighter colours associated with the the title and helps bring attention towards it. Maybe I could look at contrasting colours within my website when I need to bring attention to certain areas, specifically the film title.

The names of the cast are displayed throughout the top in a small clear font. They do not take away anything from the theme of the website, nor do they take focus from the more important aspects of the site. It does however add a sense of professionalism and it would be a good idea to do this with our website to make it seem as close to the real thing as possible.

Finally, in terms of the visual department, the DVD is displayed in the bottom right corner with a glowing outline. This is purely (quite obviously) for the promotion of the DVD and Blu Ray release of the movie. The white glow helps attract attention to it.

Moving onto the interactivity side of things you have your usual selection off buttons that when clicked take you to other pages. Upon moving your mouse over them, unlike other sites they do not indicate that they are highlighted by altering the look of the button. I will however implement a highlighting feature into the buttons.

As for the aesthetics of the pages the general gritty theme with dull colours persists. But with the addition of iconic london buildings and skyline silhouettes. This fills the what would be empty space nicely, and keeps to the theme of the movie. I like this look and would like to implement a similar theme and style into my website.
The Departed

- Will Leighton

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