Friday 16 October 2009

Analysing Layer Cake poster.

Promotional devices such as trailers, posters and websites are crucial to a new films success and popularity. If the films trailer/poster/website does not capture the audiences attention from the off, they could risk losing crucial ticket and film sales and therefore losing potential interest and popularity. This also applies a films poster, if a poster doesnt interest the reader enough at a first glance they won't look back and analyse it further and they won't become interested in the film.
Having already looked at why film trailers are crucial in previous blogs, we now need to look at and break down the properties of a good film poster.
I have decided to analyse this Layer cake film poster, and break down exactly what makes it work and why is made the film iconic and popular.
Straight away we notice that the name of the film 'Layer Cake' is written in the form of a private number plate with the letter 'A' being replaced with a '4' (a common occurance for private number plates). Straight away this highlights the nitty gritty, working class nature of the film and its characters. Our eyes are then drawn to the big yellow range rover. This is a very bold, bright image and sticks in the mind even with one glance. The use of this image throughout all of the Layer Cake posters and trailers has made it an iconic part of the movie and has helped increase the films ticket sales and popularity. The use of the yellow and black colours througout the poster also make our minds relate the rest of the poster back to the cars colour scheme. This is a very powerful advertising tool and is used alot in film posters and promotional materials as it allows the audience to relate one prop/object or character to the film. We then notice the Iron on the bonet of the car. This stands out as it is not an object you would neccersarily associate with a car or gangster/drug film. This prop is also iconic as it is used in one of the scenes of the film as a torture weapon and stands out to audience members and film fans.
When making our film poster, we need to find a suitable advertising technique to try and capture our audience. To do this, we are also planning to use the idea of taking an iconic image/character/prop from the film and use it in the poster so audience memebers relate it to our film. This we give an element of realism to our film and poster and hopefully be an aid to attract audience members.

James Banister

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