Thursday 15 October 2009

Teaser Trailer. Props, costume, make-up,setting

When looking at the props etc that we will be using in our film, we need to know what typical gangster films use and why. We can look at what works for other films of the same genre and make our own twist.
The first main prop that is common in the majority of all gangster films, is most commonly a case of drugs or packet of drugs. They highlight the illegal nature of a gangsters business and personality and if used in certain ways, can potentially become very iconic for that specific film. Secondly, most of the typical gangster films tend to have firearms (guns) to further show the illegal nature of their business and personality but also to highlight the ruthlessness of the characters. If a man is prepared to fire a gun at someone, then they are prepared to kill and this sends a message to the audience and gives the character power. Gangsters in films also tend to have alot of high class gadgets/gizmos such as a flash mobile phone, bold jewlery, expensive lighter, rings etc. This shows that they tend to 'flash the cash' and further highlights their shallow personality. Classic gangsters also tend to smoke, alot of the time this will be big high quality cigars. This is to portray an element of class and power. Gangsters in film also tend to have a flash car that will also further show a shallow personality, wealth and class.
Looking at costume, i often found that alot of the higher power modern gangsters and the old traditional gangsters, would be wearing suits and dressed smartly as if they are legitimate bussiness men. However some of the modern gangsters dress in tracksuits or jeans just like an everyday citizen, their costume doesnt neccersarily set them apart or make them stand out as a 'gangster'. For our trailer, We will use modern day 'gangster' attire, which is mainly consisting of black and grey shades. Brands are paramount as they are symbolic of the gangster's wealth and their attitude. If they wear a ralph lauren jacket with smart jeans and clean black shoes, it is reflective of their smart, clean nature. If they decide to wear an old tracksuit with gold chains it is usually to describe them as poor and not as concerned about their appearance.
Gangster films are usually set in urban areas, where crime is rife. The houses or buildings are often run down and clearly have been left behind, thus enticing crime sprees and large illegal activities. East end as previously mentioned is a urban crime is incredibly high and gangsters rule the streets.Replicating this image will involve extras wearing the attire and following a certain walk and attitude.

James Banister and Harry Mountier

1 comment:

  1. Well done James - you are now thinking like a medlia producer!
    1) Motifs and props are important in establishing relationships of power within a film for the audience. They can also help to act as a vehicle in terms of the narrative flow. Further to this, they come to life as marketing tools during the film promotional process itself.
    2) Analyse a film of this genre in terms of its use of props/motifs. Reflect on the way they act to symbolise relationships and how these props 'come alive' in ways outside of the actual film itself as merchandise or as marketing tools. Layer Cake is an exemplar in terms of both these aspects.
