Wednesday 14 October 2009

Ideas on Costume and Makeup.

Having looked at trailers from the gangster/crime genre, we notice considerable simmilaritites in costume and make-up.
Firstly looking at male costume, we notice a simmilar trend of smart, well presented and neat. Gangsters tend to be wearing high quality suits, often designer. This is to highlight their personalities that they "business men" and do legitimate work.

Also Breifly as a group looking over youtube at the variety of gangster movies as from the most popular to least to the old to the new. There are different types of costumes. From the Gangster movie, Good Fellas. In this movie we've got the costumes of the High class, Suits and looking smart, maybe this is because that it is one of the old gangster films? But we also as a group looked at a new gangster trailer, called The Firm. As a group we felt that being a more modern film that it has modernized for their costumes were based in the late 80s 90s english tracksuits.Portraying a time in england when riots of gangs were popular rioting across the london streets.

Looking at the different Types of Film for the Genre GANGSTER, as a group will need to consider what type of costume and makeup we want for our own trailer when it comes down to filming. Do we want it to be a Classic type film or a more modern approach to costume and makeup. This is one point that we need to elaborate on throughout our project as also costume and makeup could also be a key icon to our overall film production.

-Karis Hammond

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