Monday 12 October 2009

Teaser Idea

Having worked out the genre of our film and a basic story line, we have now started to think about more technical and physical aspects of the trailer. The basic plot line of our story is a drug deal gone wrong and being stumbled upon by our main character.

The inspiration which resulted in the idea below, literally came from no where. I (Will) was simply sitting at home when a TV advertisement had a backing track of some form of classical music and my mind got going about the thought of our gangster film. Although that in it self is something to think about and look into; how my mind automatically associated classical music with gangster movies (in particular high piano keys and violins).

Me and James discussed the idea in school and we expanded on it further. What we came up with so far for the trailer is a birds eye view shot that is tracking past floor which passes props such as a case of drugs, a gun, a dead body, blood, clothes, money etc. to not only symbolise the stereotypical gangster/crime genre, but to make it immediately clear to the viewer what is the movie's theme. Whilst this shot is tracking, it will cut to other clips from the film such as a chase scene, sex scene, shooting scene, emotional scene etc. The tracking shot then pans up as it approaches to face a figure seated in a dimly lit room grasping a gun and smoking a cigar.

It fades to black where the trailer will then end with the title of the movie fading in (name undecided at the moment) with a date in a smaller font fading in below the title.

We plan to do our first piece of filming sometime this week.

Will Leighton and James Banister

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