Friday 30 October 2009


When you watch any crime genre or gangster related film, they always contain certain styles and codes which we would associated the genre itself. For example we would expect the gansgter to use slang i.e 'Cockney Rhyming slang'. This means that we are constantly reminded of the character's background,style and education. If they speak colloquial english for the majority of the film or scene, then we are told that they are from a lower background and that they perhaps are not as educated or priviledged as perhaps a well spoken, smartly dressed character.

A convention of the genre would be black suits,designer usually. They would also be a smoker,a drinker of alcohol and a user of drugs, or be incredibly anti drugs to represent a bad experience,usually personal to them. The way they talk about vices i.e drugs,alcohol is usually a indication of their attitude. If they find them to be a part of their lives then it a reminder that they are laid back and open to a world of crime.

Womanising is also very common in the gangster underworld.They treat women as objects for their own desire and personal use. This usually involves prostitition and whores. They are used as drugs and sex mules. They will also treat their wives disrespectfully, abusing them emotionally and physically.

They will also be secluded from the world, being very reserved. They have no friends due to trust issues and treat any threat with brutaliaty and ruthlessness.

Harry Mountier

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