Thursday 3 December 2009

Day 1 of Filming

Today as a group we all went out for our first day of filming. We went to our location for which we had decided which was james's house, and also the forest near his house. As apart of this I took a digital camera to take still photos. Photos of location shots, establishing the scenes that we are filming. I will put up these photo's when I get the camera back and have finished taking all of my still photo shots of our filming, to show what we have been doing on our filming days. Next filming day we will go our next thursday, (10 dec.)

Today we did the first shots of james, who is one of the main characters. He filmed him walking out of his house, as he is going for a daily run, jog. This part of filming is building up the tension within our trailer. As we also have james in his running clothes, going out for a run, he also is listening to his ipod which as he is listening to the music, as an audience we will also be listein to this music, as it will be the music for our trailer. As the trailer is building up, the music also will. We thought of this idea of where the music gets faster and faster building tension and then it shows the main source of our film of a dead bodys. This is were the start of our story and genre begins as we will in following filming day film, drugs, gangsters, voilence, etc ... But whether the music idea will work or not we're not too sure. So once we come to editing and placing in our music, we will suggest whether this is a good idea or not.

After we did some shot with james coming out of his house, ( one of the locations sets ) we then did another shot of him running up his street. We did different camera shots and angles. High angle shot, making james look like a more of a low status character having no power, innocence as james is just an ordinary man going for a morning run. We will use low angle shots to show a high status of other characters within our trailer, on our main drug dealer, gangster, who will be played by harry.
Other shots we used are again our establishing shots. We used this on the location of james house, as well as the forest where james is going for a run.
The other camera angles and shot are the simple, close ups, medium shots and i think we also used some panning as well.

We need to get up our storyboard to show our initial ideas, as well as the other ones we thought of. These are to show what we have to film and how are trailer is flowing to present the genre of a gangster trailer. I will scan these in and then post them up below to show what we have developed as a group.

Our next film day posting will be on the 10th of dec, our next full day of filming.

- Karis Hammond

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