Thursday 3 December 2009

Layout and Structure of Posters

For our project We have to make up our own posters. So I'm going to make a couple so that there are a few to look at and decide on what one is the best for our film

Here are my two poster for which i have picked at to see main points to add into our own groups poster to make it look decent. I have already looked at one of the poster American Gangster but i again looked at it in greater detail as i liked this poster and think it would fit well with also our gangster film. The other film poster i think would also help and fit in with our gangster genre for a poster, so I looked at this one too.
Looking at these posters i realised that black, white and red are great colours to use. Using white on black background helps to highlight key words and make them stand out alot. Black and white images also help to create classic images (depending on the type of image) and can help create a sophisticated feel to a film poster, good for our gangster film.
- Karis Hammond

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