Wednesday 9 December 2009

Still Photo's - Day 1 of Filming

Here are the first still shots from the first day of filming our trailer. We went to James house where we filmed a few shots. We also made some props too which we are putting into our trailer to represent the genre. We also need to add in some more props such as a gun or something else that can create our genre on screen.
I took pictures to show us working on our trailer, behind the screen shots and also of set locations and movement shots also to show our development throughout our filming. I will take still shots every time we film so that we can keep up to date with our development and also to remind ourselves on key points and possibly thing that we think we need to develop on and make it better.

Here is James and Will. The start of our filming. Here we are filming James coming out of his house, the beginning of our trailer. (James in the green and Will behind the camera.)

Again the shot of James making his way out of his house. This part of our trailer James is going for a daily run in the forest, which is up the road. James also puts his ipod headphones in which is where we start the music to our trailer and play through out until it hits the beginning of our trailer where James see dead bodies from a gangster drug deal.

For our trailer we also needed props. Here are images of James and Will making props. They are making drugs, cocaine, which is apart of our film.

Shooting again, another shot of James and Will filming his way out of his house, getting closer to the forest location.

Establish shot, location shot of James house.

James running up his road, towards the forest scene.

Again James running towards the forest. Running across the road.

Finally at the forest, another set location, establish shot. Here is where James run through into the forest, i also thought that i could use either image for a poster adding in text etc... to make it look more of a professional look like an actual movie poster.

-Karis Hammond

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