Wednesday 1 April 2009

Filming Day 4

Day 4 of Filming
Another BUT final day of filming. From the day before of all zombie shots we edited it all and we wanted to get some more shots that were relating to the main character. So we all went out again and film some more footage.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

these 3 images are will filming james coming out of hiding away from the ZOMBIES. this location was one of our location, established shots. As a team we thought this little places would work well as a hid out and worked effectivley as they two differnt levels that we were using throught zombies on top of the bridge were james was underneath there feet, portraying a higher status for the zombies showing they have more power the main character underneath them with a low status.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)
This next shot, a high angle shot poratying james as a smaller status as he is becuse he is runnin away from zombies who have more power on him then just himself. the main character, (james) is coming out of the forest and runing out of the woods. i thought that from this part up to the ending really did work well. this shot was james running, scruffling out of the forest showing a trip as he is looking behind him fom the zombies. It then leads up to the next 3 images below

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

These Shot i really wanted in with the film as it was tracking. I think we really got this shot perfect. it show again a up closer shot of the main character stuggling to get away as he scrounges up the hill for a safer destination. deep breathing and fast movement help create a urge to get away from this environemnt that the character is within, hopefully making the audience sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting to see what is happening next.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Another great bit to our opening scene. after the main character climbs up the hill with desperation it then shows him going down. As we filmed this part as a low angle shot giving the characted a higher status as he is gettin away and being more confident with the situtation he is in.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Another Great shot , ONCE AGAIN! this last part to our filming really came our a sucess. it shows james emotions and deep breathing as he look upon the forest, the place he has just escaped. we used, close up of james face, breathing hard to show his feeling and emotion of how he is after his chase, them we get another great point of view shot of where he had just came too with deep breathing and he is still out of breath but still aware incase of anymore zombies. It then goes back to james smoking, take a fag out and smoking it, which links back to the character from what he was in the begining, chilled and relaxed. portrating to the audience that he is being brave and cool, after all that has gone on. it also shows he is trying to take away his trouble as he smokes out and the camera follows the smoke with a pan.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

James Smoking

After filming this all we were all very happy with how we work as a team and brought in different ideas of what would work and didnt we really enjoyed ourself and hope that it works well for our final opening scene.


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