Wednesday 1 April 2009

Filming Day 3


Day 3 of filming was where we got involved with the high, fast tempo of our opening secene. We started by bringing in the Zombies of our film. I did some makeup and costume whiles also helping out will with camera angles and shots aswell with james who is the main character in our opening.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Zombie 1 (Tom) All covered in blood (fake) ripped top, bloddy face and messy hair. Getting Preped for being a Zombie!

Filming the first part of the zombie parts, which are all very fast shots, full of action, deep breathing and panic. Here we filmed james running across and then seconds after you get the sounds of other footsteps which are makin zombie noises, this shows the difference between the foot movement with bringing in different sounds to show the difference between two types of character as they can't be seen as this shot was taken with only footstep running.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

here is another shot of this scene, zombies running in.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

And again.

Through this filming day it took us a good few hours to film this part of our opening scene. But using these hours we got some quality shots within the time. working as a team we all put our differnt thought through as we looked back at every part we took to see what development we really thought worked and ones that maybe could have been developed.
Good Shots that were taken today were point of view shots of the zombies. I really like this shot as it show alot of movement with the camera work creating a manic situation with also the sounding of zombies to connect to who is also running.
we think today went really well, we think tommorrow we will go through all that we shot and edit it all and see if we need to do any more shotting for a great final piece.

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