Sunday 1 March 2009

Mis-en-scene- 28WeeksLater

Before starting to make our group opening filming scene i will look at professional public, world wide hit horror , speficiying into zombie film to look at their set/location, lighting, costume, makeup, props and of corse other aspect which link to the mis-en-scene.
To get a good idea, i will use YouTube. Also i will look at zombie film that as a group have anaylsed, 28 weeks later and dawn of the dead.
28 Weeks Later
here is the link for the opening of the film.
Whiles watching the opening, it is a relaxed enviroment. but the background, the set of this scene makes it more than just a sit down whiles reading a nice newspaper. The Windows, Doors Boreded up without no natural light suggest that it's not a normal situation, creating a more unrelaxed mood to the viewers suggestion.
The Lighting which is created by the candles making this scene dark relates to a normal horror scene. The Characted lays sitting relaxed, reading a newspaper. It makes it look more at ease, potraying to the viewers that even tho its not a normal environment that it relax which help with build up to the horror parts. the opening of a un realistic and un normal scene helps the viewer to suggest that this film isnt going to be a comedy, romance and happy film.

Lighting - Dark, Lighted by candles.
Props - Newspaper, Candles.
Set - Shabby House, borded up, no natural light.
These are creating a scence for which help to relate to horror and erie atmosphere.

throughout the opening of the scene it is dark and lit up by candles creating a sense of

These shots of the first bit of the opening i think is good and realate well as it is dark and unknowing of what might happen next so puttin this into consideeration we need to think maybe of using some dark shots to create this feeling for our own film aswell.

Watching through more of this trailer of corse there is zombie crazyness of zombie chases which i think of corse we will have to consider in our opening. but in this opening of this film there is a part in it for which i and also a group dicussion aswell think works really well and we think we might sort of manipulate this idea for adding into our own opening.

Here is a link of a view of this part of the opening that we think works well...

this link is don, the man who is running away from aload of zombies. as you watch it there are alot of cut shots that are in it making different angles etc.. this create alot of happening within this part of the opening making it manic and all over the place, which works really well.

then as he escapes from the house as you see, a runnin scene, tracking his movement and also over the shoulder shots to help see what he is running from, the best bit that we thought was good is when the camera is tracking him and you can see in the background out of focused zombies running over the hill making a trail onto don. this makes the audience feel on edge and make u want to watch it as u want him to get away from the mayhem.

As a group we also thought this part was great and think we might also use it, its has given us some good ideas for our opening scene.

here is the print screen shot from the opening scene showing a close up of don has great facial expresions and withinthe background ar the un focused zombies running over the hill, this also is been tracked along with don.
Another print screen shot the same part of the scene aswell.
Looking at this opening sccene as always made us think of locations and also makeup and costume and moods for our opening scene.

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