Sunday 1 March 2009

Dawn of the Dead - 2004 Analysis Through Screen Shots

For Reading throught analysis and then viewing the opening scene of this film i found this film the best , horror/ zombie opening. My reasons for which i liked this opening was because it linked in with a real realistic effect. I also liked the opening of the credit and how they used the credit to also create and atmosphere and mood of the film.

As this opening of this film begins there is a sound which is erie and then the credit come in. the credits written in a bold red writing then fades away like blood with gruesome sound.. This creates to the whole atmosphere of the scene. Red Credits create atmosphere of blood, danger, horror, evil. this makes the reader become a bit unease and as the opening carrys on more shot images pop up and then go back to the credit which makes the opening shocking and right in your face. the first part of the opening with the credits and shot images of zombies realate to the genre the film and also a bit about what is going to happen in this film.

After the first 10 seconds the title of the film shows up onto the screen. the first 10 seconds are used with sound clips of blood, screaming and lightening all of these sounds make a quite on edge feel and tension towards what is going to be wached. All of this denotation creates an disturbing mark for what is being watched which connotates a feel for the viewer creating a unnatural and own opinion of what is going to be watched.

Dawn of the Dead, the denotation of the words , DAWN and DEAD highlighted, bold and written in red, relating once again to blood, danger. shown onto a black background for also creating the atmoshphere of dark and unhappy feel.

this connotates the feel, atmosphere of what this film is about and also making a start to build tension in the film.

The next part of the opening begin with sounds of screaming, without any motion image of images to portray what is going on, this create a sense of unknown. after the screaming and title are faded by once again the blood effect it then start to bring in speaking and motion images.

It starts with a interview between a spokesman and interviewer conveying the story of the film, what is happening. Whiles the speaking is going on throught the opening the word credit are still showing and also quick clips of zombies, (infected people) are denotated. The connotation helps the viewer to understand what the interview is about and also to shock the viewer and to put view on edge. It's all so very erie and unnormal createing a atmosphere of the film.

the interview comes to a close telling the viewers that the situation what is going on isnt being resolved and then the opening begins with the caious for what is going on within the film.

This whole interview is like as if the viewer of the film is watching a the news. this creates a feel as tho it is real life. making it more realistic as thought it is happening as they ar watching it.

the denotation is the view watching the news.

relating to everyday circumstances. After the speaking of the interview ends then shown of the 'news' is images of which is going on in the world for which is the circumstances of ZOMBIES!

a song come into place for which is a johnny cash song. this also brings the view down to earth for the song is a day to day song to listen to this also makes it beliveable for the opening to get the viewer to think they are in the movies watching real life television. the song and the denotation all happen so quickly building up tension with the rhytm of the song. this create alot of happening, riot, confusion and disfunction to the scene. the scene cuts in with the credits again with the film of more and more violent images to watch.

overall i think that this opening scene of a zombie horror is really simple but really effective. using little filming and also including the credits in a differnt way then just some words the credit also help to create the atmosphere of the story. i really think that this opening is a good one to analyse and to help us make our opening scene well thought through and effective.


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