Sunday 1 March 2009

Mis-en-scene from analysis for our opening

Looking at Zombie Films and analysing them has help to understand how they are shown to create the right atmoshpheres and mood to create the perfect horror opening.

Mis en scene will also help create these mood and atmoshphere. so looking carefully are this will help us to think about what props, lighting, set location/set, makeup, costumes we will need to consider

from analysising Zombie Film were therefore have thought about thing we need to consider in our zombie film.

Lighting - for our lighting we have anaylse zombie film that are realistic everday and for our opening we using a natural day, which consists of natural sun so we will use this within to create that feel of a normal day and maybe use a dark night to create some tension within our opening aswell, because being dark can make viewer more on edge.

Set Location & Set - As a Group we Decided to choose a location of epping forest which will give us a good opening sequence of a erie place as being in a forest comes across as a place which is lonely and eerie for not knowing who you will come across (zombies?) so we suggest this as it also is a great location for a realistic feel for our opening.

MakeUp - as we are doing zombie film i suggest that we will need some fake blood to create a bloddy effect for zombies which are used alot in zombie films.

Costumes - for costumes i think that becuase we want to create a zombie film to make it a sucess and analysing recent movies we want to make it as realistic so it links to everyday life so that viewers can feel uneased thinkin of that it is a everyday feel to it. So everday clothes shall be worn, but as we need zombie characters there clothes will be more worn, dirty , bloddy to show zombies from other which aren't.

Props- props that will need to be used within our opening scene we have thought of, a gun - for surviving people - or for our case james who is the surviour in our opening
Decor - we are filming within a forest, which is a natural decor to our opening, trees, leaves, etc...


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