Thursday 26 February 2009

Mis - en - scene

After analyising about the films from the genre we are doing, 'Horror' (zombies) The next step is to think about the mis-en-scene. It plays a bit part in our project for which it consist of everything that is placed within a scene from the decor, lighting, location, set, costume and props. More importantly we will have to take in all of these as for a horror, zombie film the set, location and defiently costume and makeup will help us for making our own seqence professional and effective.

Mis-en-scene will create the mood and atmosphere of what our genre is portraying to our viewers. Therefore we will need to create a tensed mood/atmosphere for our opening scene for the viewers to want to watch more and also that it create the right mood for the view, horror.

Taking in consideration the opening scene need to focused on, orchestrated and set up for the camera scene. I think i will look at horror movies, zombie ones aswell to see what their sets, location, costume, etc... and what they give to make their opening seqences look good and stick in viewers minds to remember a really good opening.


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