Friday 13 November 2009

The Departed - Film Poster

After analysing the trailer for 'The Departed' I then found the poster for the film. As a part of our media project we need to make a poster for our own trailer.
I have already analysed one poster, from one of the trailer movies i have looked at (The Firm.)

From looking at this poster, I see the obvious text shown, portraying, movie realse date, the people involved within the film, distributes, ( which i will look later into) the main actors, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson...

The text that is used on this poster, and also as i have look at a previous movie poster, I mean there isn't alot of text because a poster is all about the image, and how they can attract the audience of this film, as well as on lookers as this poster will be bulleted up on bill boards and at bus stops etc... But i have looking at this poster found that the text i have mentioned are all that needs to be shown within a poster, also as this type of text is quite small also conveying that it needs to be on the poster but it doesnt matter for they want the audience to use their eyes to maybe pay to watch this movie, as well as the image on this poster show high class, actors, and also film star hotties such as DiCaprio, Damon and Nicholson. Which could be a clever way to introduce a wider audience of also female, being this film to be a males film.

Another BIG point to this poster of corse, THE TITLE. The title has to show a clear view to the audiene. On this poster the title is shown twice, because we have it in the bold white, shone on the black background, giving it more emphasis to be seen. But the title as well is also seen within the art work of the poster.The art work is the films title, The Departed, in big blocked text, but the text is used with images.Images of the main characters. Yet again, for someone to walk by this poster, straight away are going to be intreged by this poster as the main characters are high class actors that people idolise. Brining more viewers and making more money for their movie, whether or not that this film is a hit or not, people will still wants to watch it for the love of their idols. Going back to the Art Work, it is very, Very simple, but also creative for catching the audience attention. Which we will need to as a group to discuss because looking at different posters some maybe be more elaborate than others. But i think the more simple and more creative it is, then the more people will be fond of our movie.

Again the colours used for this poster as well as my previous poster review is, White, Black and Red. I think these colour indicate good and evil, dark and light, like as if there is postive events and then dark events. then the indication of red used brings me to see blood, danger, voilence. Looking closer into the poster, the red writing is, Cop or Criminals. When You're Facing A Loaded Gun What's The Difference?
This is a possible slogan, quote used from the film. Gets the audience to think about the film, about the storyline of the film. If i before hand didnt watch the trailer of this movie and i read this quote i would be thinking that they are trying to say that cop or criminal either way facing possible death it doesnt matter where you stand, there is no real difference.

Key Points From Anaylising
- Small Text for obvious text, such as the producers, distrubutors, text that doesnt really bother the audience.
- Large, Attractive Image and Title - What the audience will be most attracted to.
-Quotes/Sayings - Audience will cling onto, remember about the movie.
-Colour - Thinking about colour that will highlight our type of gangster genre.

-Karis Hammond

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