Thursday 19 November 2009

Eastern Promises Poster Analysis

This is the poster for the 2007 film, Eastern Promises. It is a gangster film set in London, like ours, yet this delves into the world of organised crime, with the Russian Mafia.

The poster shows a man with tatooed hands, which is a symbol that is featured heavily in the film. Its adds an iconic addition to the film and makes it easier to associate the audience with the film.

Again,dark colours are used to represent the dark themes in the film. The credits, above the actors names, show who the actors are as they are not as household names, yet their faces are easier to recognise. In doing this, they show the characters in costume and show us their faces as well as their names, thus making it better to know who they are, as was used in Goodfellas.

Red is a very aggressive colour and is used to indicate blood and violence. The subtitle, 'Every Sin leaves It's Mark', tells us that the film will have various moral subtexts and will be metaphoric in places. It also tells us about the dark themes of the story, highlighting the word Sin. This is pivotal, giving away a small amout of what the film will entail. It also opens up the possibility of a religous subtext.

So as you can see, the use of red,black and white is a effective way of giving of a broad impression of a film with dark matters and plots which are not your average family films.

Harry Mountier

1 comment:

  1. Useful analyses of posters, Harry. Remember to summarise (as a group) the findings you have made and which typical codes and conventions you have identified you intend to replicate in your own work in order to target your audience.
