Thursday 17 September 2009

The Firm - Trailer Analysis

This is the trailer for the film, 'The Firm'. As a group we are looking at trailers for which we can relate to our genre we have picked, 'Crime/Gangster'.

When researching through for these types of trailers we came across this particular one for which we can pick out the qualities of what makes a good crime, gangster trailer.

The qualities we picked out are the, language (cockney rhyming london slang.) Costume, ( Early 90s, Tracksuits) and also the settings, (London, Council Estates.)

From here we then can look on these qualities to help for when planning our trailer and remember to add these into our work.
Looking at different trailers we also have to understand that we need these main points, Language, Costume and Settings, for our trailer so that the viewers can understand and also for our trailer to be a success.

From the trailer the textual input of, characters are shown a stereotype of a typical gang of young london men, street youths. The audience that this film trailer would be shone towards would be the age range of teenage boy, the film is rated as a 18, so older teenage boys, 18+. Mainly for the male genre as it fits into, football, humour and voilence.

This Trailer show different cut clips of a varation of up close camera angles to show the main characters towards the audience. Within the trailer it also shows the film distrubutions, Vertigo films and Universal.

-Karis Hammond

1 comment:

  1. once again no name on the post! some useful points but you also need to conduct a close textual analysis of this trailer to demonstrate your understanding. have you considered the difference between a theatrical trailer and a teaaser trailer?
