Thursday 19 March 2009

Still Camera Shots - Locations

Still Camera Shots - LOCATIONS

As a group we all started filming on sunday which we went into epping forest to get some feel of the environment aswell as recording some opening footage. Whiles in epping forest i look around to see what were some good Locations, Settings for our opening scene.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Here is an establish shot of part of the forest, as well with trees and little lake running through it lookd really run down and tatty which looks good for maybe a part in our opening for making a beautiful scene turn into a more of a grotty scene, possibly when we bring in zombies.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

The Camera View of what will was filming, as a group we thought that this with also the river streaming down would create some tension for our opening, also to create a real feeling as the river flows showing that its a normal day. It was one idea that we had when we look around for different locations so filming it gave us more to look at and to decided whether or not we will use it for our opening scene.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Not a very clear image, but if u can see its a establish shot of a hill with forest in the background, i wanted to take this shot as from an analysis of the film, 28 WEEKS LATER there is a part of the opening scene which i and also dicussing with my group found really effective as it shows a movement shot , dolly shot as the zombies are coming over the hill in the distance, we all thought was effective part of the opening and like it. So this location shot has gave us ideas and also to look back to places we thought will work well with what we have in mind.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Here another location shot, whiles as a group we walkd around epping forest looking for good locations that we thought would work and had a good feel to. here we thought of maybe a chase see maybe coming from the background coming closer into the foreground.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Another location withing the forest i thouht this also was a good loaction gettin away from just dirt tracks brought in a lake to maybe have some zombies to go throught the little river to create some tension, anger rushing through the water and also we could pick up some great sounds of raging waters.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Two images above, whiles walking looking for other different locations james found a good little spot which he got into to show how we want this shot to be shown maybe. we thought be good for a hide away from zomibes, and use great shots, different angles etc...

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

the place james found. taking a shot of it as a whole to show what we thought.james being in the tube under a bridge. thought of shot of showing him in it hiding away and then just shots of zombie feets to create tension as he hides away from them.

(Photos By Karis Hammond)

Urban shot, bringing back to a everyda caption. we wanna bring the nature shot into an urban laoction to bring it more down to earth as tho its happening in real life.


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